Monday, April 21, 2008

Unintended Abstracts, Kensinton Market Area, Toronto

Abstracts are generally intended to be just that. Interestingly, unplanned assemblies of concrete things can result in unintended abstract pieces that are often simply passed by but which can be visually interesting on reflection. Here are four as found in the Kensington Market area of Toronto.

The first is the Hot Box Cafe, with the much more interesting sign over the main window, "Roach-O-Rama". Read the rest for yourself.

The second and third are, respectively, a sign and an isolated detail of some graffiti on that sign. This is beside the entrance to a small back-street fast food place in the Kensington Market area of Toronto.

The fourth image is of the Perola Supermarket. Even the curbside garbage contributes to the patterns.

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