Sunday, January 02, 2011

Toronto Skyline - Looking South Down Bay Street

Over the past couple of months, I have become more and more involved in night photography and HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography, somewhat as a result of acquiring a new toy, a Nikon D5000 DSLR. Over the next while I am going to post some of these images, and hopefully others, and get a bit more active in this blog again. Hope you enjoy them.

This is the view looking South from one of the office and apartment towers in downtown Toronto. The street running up diagonally from roughly the lower left frame corner to the frame centre is Bay Street, North of the financial district (which is the complex of tall buildings in the background). The large tower-like structure in the foreground rising right through the frame is a smokestack for a large heating plant serving many of the towers in the downtown core. The CN tower is the blue spike-like tower in the upper right of the frame

The whole thing looks rather festive and if you have to live in TO, then this is a pretty fine view. Best wishes to all of you in the New Year. - JW

This is NOT an HDR image but is rather a manual blend of two conventional images with a little bit of shadow area supplemental detail also manually blended in from an 2-image HDR (Mantiuk operator using Luminance/Qtpfsgui). All PP done with GIMP. Taken using a Nikon D5000, 2 images, +0EV and -2EV, ISO 640, f/4.0 with an 18-55mm VR kit lense at 18mm. And, of course, a tall building.

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