Friday, January 14, 2011

Red Leaf In The Snow

 From looking at this image you might be tempted to believe this is a black and while image rather than another sample of my colour work. Bear with me...

This photo was taken about halfway between the base of the Niagara Escarpment and Beamer's Falls along "The Forty" the lovely creek flowing down the Escarpment through the town of Grimsby, on its way to Lake Ontario about 1.5 km (1 mile) North of here. The bed of the creek lies in a steep-walled, heavily wooded ravine and, as a result of the thousands of years of erosion, is littered with huge slabs of dolostone that fell into the bed as the creek cut through the Escarpment face. With the recent heavy snowfall and cold temperatures, the waterway is largely frozen over and everything is pretty much snow covered. In places like this, a small amount of water has run over the top of the large rock slab and formed a border of icicles.

If you think this is a Black & White image, look again. Amidst all the white snow cover, a lone maple leaf, still in its full red glory, has somehow found its way onto the snow surface and sits there in lonely glory near the top centre of the image.

The image was taken using a tripod mounted Nikon D5000 fitted with an 18-55mm VR kit lense, at 55mm, f/6.3, 1/250 sec, ISO200. Minimal PP was done using GIMP: tonal range expansion to recover full range, slight saturation boost, sharpen, add border, scale to 1024 wide for posting. - JW


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